Support ForumCategory: Questions.teamshowcasefree_style04_popupleftside img not compatible with Jetpack's Lazyload feature asked 5 years ago

If you have Jetpack installed + the Lazyload feature enabled the images on the popup do not show up.
in CSS the image is .teamshowcasefree_style04_popupleftside img 
On an unrelated note: while filling this form out i can select a question category, and Team Showcase is not among the categories. replied 5 years ago

I had to disable Jetpacks Lazyload feature to get the images to show up but I would prefer it if you could add the “skip-lazy” css class to the image in the popup in .teamshowcasefree_style04_popupleftside

4 Answers answered 5 years ago

Notify me of new posts by email. answered 5 years ago

I fixed it by adding 
to line #5039 of /libs/shortcode/team-manager-free-shortcode.php
so the result looks like this:
<img src=”<?php echo $teampost_thumb;?>” alt=”” class=”skip-lazy” /> answered 5 years ago

Can you please implement the fix I described above in the Team Showcase plugin?

Themepoints Staff answered 5 years ago

Thanks for your information. we added this in our next release soon.

Best Regards