Feb 2, 2017

Super Testimonial Pro WordPress plugin is a simple tool to display your customer’s testimonials on your WordPress website in the most attractive way. You can use any type of feedback to make a trustworthy testimonial with the author’s name, photo, company logo, and even a URL to the client’s website. It comes with multiple layout types: Slider, Grid, Isotope Filter, List, etc. You can easily customize any element of the testimonials to meet your overall site design style.

Super Testimonial Pro provides a great and easy way to insert a list of all testimonials or output a random testimonial. The best part of our plugin is the shortcode. You can use our shortcodes to show testimonials on posts, pages, widgets, and many more.

Super Testimonial free version can be found on WordPress.Org/Plugins

Available Fields

  • Name
  • Position
  • Company Name
  • Company Website URL
  • Testimonial Rating
  • Testimonial Photo
  • Testimonial Content

Super Testimonial Pro Features

  • All Features of the free version
  • Fully Responsive and Mobile friendly.
  • Clean Design & Code.
  • No Coding Skill is Required.
  • Easy Shortcode Generator.
  • Unlimited Shortcode Support.
  • Unlimited Testimonial Support.
  • Supports unlimited Testimonials per page.
  • Display Testimonials by Specific Category.
  • 30 Different Testimonial Themes.
  • Testimonial Themes Style: Slider, Grid, Isotope Filter, List, etc.
  • Display the Total number of Testimonials.
  • Testimonial Order By Title, Modified, Random, Popularity.
  • Testimonial Image Size: Thumbnail, Medium, Medium-Large, Large, Full.
  • Testimonial Text Align: Left, Center, Right.
  • Show/Hide any fields.
  • Show/Hide Testimonial Image.
  • Testimonial Image Border Size.
  • Testimonial Image Border Color.
  • Testimonial Image Border Radius.
  • Testimonial Title Font Color.
  • Testimonial Title Font Size.
  • Testimonial Title Text Transform: Normal, Capitalize, Lowercase, Uppercase.
  • Testimonial Title Text Style: Normal, Italic.
  • Show/Hide Testimonial Designation.
  • Testimonial Designation Font Color.
  • Testimonial Designation Font Size.
  • Testimonial Designation Text Transform: Normal, Capitalize, Lowercase, Uppercase.
  • Testimonial Designation Text Style: Normal, Italic.
  • Show/Hide Testimonial Company URL.
  • Testimonial Company URL Font Color.
  • Testimonial Company URL Font Size.
  • Testimonial Company URL Text Transform: Normal, Capitalize, Lowercase, Uppercase.
  • Testimonial Company URL Text Style: Normal, Italic.
  • Show/Hide Testimonial User Rating.
  • Testimonial User Rating Icon Color.
  • Testimonial User Rating Icon Size.
  • Show/Hide Testimonial Item Background Option.
  • Testimonial Item Background Color.
  • Testimonial Item Padding Size.
  • Testimonial Slider Options.
  • Enable/Disable autoplay.
  • Control Slide autoplay Speed.
  • Stop Slide On Hover.
  • Control Slide autoplay Timeout Speed.
  • Total Slider Item Display.
  • Enable/Disable Slider Loop.
  • Slider Item Margin.
  • Enable/Disable Slider Navigation.
  • Navigation Style: Default, Round.
  • Navigation Alignment: Top Left, Center, Top Right.
  • Navigation Icon Color.
  • Navigation Background Color.
  • Navigation Hover Icon Color.
  • Navigation Hover Background Color.
  • Enable/Disable Slider Pagination.
  • Pagination Style: Default, Round.
  • Pagination Alignment: Left, Center, Right.
  • Pagination Background Color.
  • Pagination Active Background Color.
  • Testimonial Grid Options.
  • Testimonial Total Number of Columns.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Style: default, checkbox, Dropdown.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Align: Left, Center, Right.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Background Color.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Font Color.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Hover Background Color.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Hover Font Color.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Active Background Color.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Active Font Color.
  • Widget Ready.
  • Easy Documentation.
  • Compatible with any theme.
  • License: Unlimited Domain Support.
  • Testimonial front-end Submission form.
  • Support all modern browsers.
  • 24/7 dedicated support forum.
  • And much more options.

What is the testimonials submission Form?

Testimonial front-end submission is an easy way to collect testimonials from site visitors and display them on your website. Testimonials can be used as proof on your website to trust new site visitors and boost conversions.

By default, the testimonials are added in the backend via the Testimonials post type but the testimonial front-end submission allows you to display a form anywhere on your site so people can submit their testimonials online and it creates a new “draft”, “pending”, “publish” testimonial on your site. You can manage all the testimonial front-end submission form fields via the Frontend Submission Settings Page.

Why Choose Super Testimonial Pro?

  • Unlimited Features
  • One Time Purchase
  • No Hidden Charge
  • No Yearly Charge
  • Reasonable price
  • Testimonial front-end Submission form.
  • Self-Hosted Auto Update Enable
  • Continuously Updated New Features
  • 24/7 Dedicated Support Forum

How do I get updates?

Whenever an update is available the user will be notified via WordPress Dashboard same as WordPress because We enabled self-hosted auto update for the lifetime.

Change Log

  • May 5, 2024

    Version 2.0.0

    • AddedFix Security Issue.
    • AddedAdded New Option.
    • AddUpdate Option Page.
    • AddFix CSS Issue.
  • August 03, 2023

    Version 1.0.9

    • AddFix CSS Issue.
  • June 01, 2023

    Version 1.0.8

    • FixedFix CSS Issues.
    • FixedFix Link Open Issues.
    • FixedFix Link Padding Issues.
    • AddAdded Open Link Options.
    • AddAdded New Options.
  • July 02, 2022

    Version 1.0.7

    • FixedFix CSS Issues.
    • AddAdded New Options.
  • March 28, 2022

    Version 1.0.6

    • FixedFix CSS Issues.
    • UpdateUpdate Submission Form Issue.
    • AddAdded New Options.
  • March 24, 2022

    Version 1.0.5

    • FixedFix CSS Issues.
    • FixedFix Front-end Submission Form Issue.
  • March 22, 2022

    Version 1.0.4

    • FixedFix CSS Issues.
    • FixedFix Front-end Submission Form Issue.
    • AddAdded Submission Form Captch Options.
    • AddAdded Default Color Picker.
  • March 20, 2022

    Version 1.0.3

    • FixedFix CSS Issues.
    • FixedFix Responsive Issues.
    • FixedFix Multiple Shortcode Issue
    • FixedFix Slider Issue
    • FixedRemove Unnecessary Files
    • AddUpdate Options page
    • AddUpdate Categories Select Options
    • AddAdd Front-end Submission Form.
    • AddAdded New Font Options
    • AddAdded New Options.
    • AddAdded New Style
    • AddAdded Filter Grid Style
    • AddAdded Title Font Control Options
    • AddAdded Designation Font Control Options
  • May 22, 2021

    Version 1.0.2

    • FixedFix CSS Issues.
    • FixedFix Responsive Issues.
    • AddAdded New Options.
  • Feb 02, 2021

    Version 1.0.1

    • FixedFix CSS Issues.
    • FixedFix Responsive Issues.
  • May 21, 2017

    Version 1.0

    • ReleaseInitial Release.

5 reviews for Super Testimonial Pro

  1. amirowp

    Great plugin for displaying testimonials. It’s very easy to add new testimonials which can be placed anywhere with a shortcode. Plus all 4 themes look great!

  2. martijinmanten

    Awesome Plugin with great support!
    Tried a couple of different plugins before this one, but this one is the best and really easy to use!

  3. campeonatobet

    cool configurations and easy to use. tons of skins/styles and support is great!

  4. aniruddhapathak

    I tried out the free version of Super Testimonials and then instantly went for buying the Pro version. Had some issues with the plugin, but the support team was prompt and fast enough to resolve my issues efficiently. In love with the plugin! Definitely recommended.

  5. yazgee

    After trying eight or nine testimonial widgets I narrowed it down to two. Super Testimonials and Testimonial Rotator and both are now my ‘goto’ plugins.

    I wanted one with a nice horizontal scroll and this does that nicely. Just a shame I can’t change the colour of the rating stars to gold?

Add a review

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  • Future Product Updates
  • Documentation included

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